LTA Coach Forum Registration Form Venue. Venue for the forum: * Date of the forum: * Personal Information. Full Name: * First Name Last Name Email: * Age on day of course: * Date of Birth: * Gender * Male Female Nonbinary Prefer not to say Ethnicity White Asian or Asian British Black, Black British, Caribbean or African Mixed or multiple ethnic groups Any other ethnic group I prefer not to say Phone Number: * Emergency Contact Name: * First Name Last Name Emergency Contact Phone Number: * BTM No. or Coach Code: * Address: * City/Town: * County: * Postcode: * Medical Information. So that the tutors can accommodate your needs, please indicate if you have any of the following: Asthma * Yes No Diabetes * Yes No Dyslexia * Yes No Epilepsy * Yes No Hearing Impairment * Yes No Visual Impairment * Yes No Use of a Wheelchair * Yes No Other, please specify: * Additional Information. How did you find out about the forum? * What level of coach qualification do you hold? * Do you coach children? * Do you coach disability tennis? * Why are you attending the forum? * Is there anything else you would like the tutors/organisers to know before the forum? * Data Protection. Growing The Game Ltd will only use your personal data, including sensitive personal data for coach education purposes, relating to the product you have purchased, which may include establishing a Unique Learner Number on your behalf with the Education and Skills Funding Agency. GTG will not give permission for this information to be used by any 3rd party (including the ESFA) for their own marketing purposes unless specified otherwise below. For further details please contact Nick Elliott at or on 07774 940474 . To help us develop coaches – Do you agree: (You will be able to change your consent at any time in the future) : Growing The Game Ltd may add your name and contact details to its secure database so you can receive GTG coach education information including offers for future GTG courses and CPD workshops by post, e-mail or SMS. * Yes No By clicking this box you are deemed to understand and accept the foregoing. I confirm that this application has been completed honestly and accurately. * I agree with the Terms and Conditions. Thank you for completing the Forum Registration Form.We will get back to you as soon as possible! Read the Terms and Conditions.